Bernhard Gerardts

Puchstrasse 85
8020 Graz, Austria

+43 (0)316 292840-47

Is IP-Solar cost-effective?

The current situation

  • Manual operational surveillance is time-consuming and expensive
  • Example: 20 solar installations are checked by an experienced technician (cost: 60 €/h) twice a week, 15 minutes needed per plant. Running cost per year: more than 30,000 € - considering the working time only.
  • This is why solar plant evaluations are usually not performed regularly. 
  • Also experienced staff misses some failures. Some failures remain undetected for a prolongued time and are very cumbersome in a manual analysis.
  • On the contrary, IP-Solar also detects hidden or gradual malfunctions on an early stage, e.g. slow pressure decrease or gradual accumulation of sludge in a heat exchanger.

The economic potential of IP-Solar - 3 scenarios

scenario 1

Aussumption: IP-Solar leads to a 2% energy output increase in large solar plants


280,000 m² × 2% × 350 kWh/m²year = 980 MWh
Savings: approx. 100,000 € per year

scenario 2

Assumption: 5% of large solar plants break down for one year

280,000 m² × 5% × 350 kWh/m² = 4,900 MWh
Losses: 245,000 € per year

scenario 3

Assumption: Average system failure on a single summer day

280,000 m² × 3.1 kWh/m²Tag × 50% = 434 MWh
Losses: 21,700 € per day

Assumptions used in the calculation

  • In Austria, there is a total collector area of 280,000 m² installed in large solar plants. What is this figure based on?
  • Typical specific energy yield per year: 350 kWh/m² collector area.
  • Typical cost of supplied solar thermal energy: 50 €/MWh
  • Typical specific energy yield on a clear summer day: 3.1 kWh/m² collector area